Godly Play Hong Kong Teachers

Godly Play Teachers (Storytellers & Doorpersons) have completed what is known as Core Module Training, approved and recognized by the Centre for the Theology of Childhood (USA), Godly Play Foundation (USA) and the Godly Play College of Trainers (USA/UK/others). In Hong Kong, the Core Module Training is split into two separate training events – the Taster/Beginners' Training and the Core/Advanced Training.

Godly Play Trainers have been practicing Godly Play as Teachers for several years and have been invited by Senior Godly Play Trainers in their region to receive extensive training and certification through the Training of Trainers event. Trainers should actively and regularly use Godly Play with children, support interest in Godly Play in their region through different training events, maintain strong ties with other trainers/trainer groups around the world and pursue spiritual growth and ministerial development.



Kevin Ma Lai Kan

Kevin worships and ministers at Grace Hong Kong Evangelical Church and is married to Helen. He is an accredited Godly Play teacher and senior trainer from Godly Play U.K. and the Centre for the Theology of Childhood and has studied childhood theology and children’s spirituality at Cambridge Theological Federation and Anglia Ruskin University in the U.K. He obtained a bachelor of arts double major in theatre and psychology at the University of British Columbia in Canada, a postgraduate diploma in East/West Theatre Studies at HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education, a master of arts in Drama and Movement Therapy at University of London’s Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. He served as a fully qualified and registered arts (drama) therapist of the Health and Care Professions Council in the United Kingdom from 1999 to 2022, as adjunct lecturer (theatre and performing arts) at HKU SPACE Community College from 2000 to 2018 and as adjunct professor (children's spirituality, childhood biblical theology, faith-based children play therapy, biblical perspectives of the arts, etc.) at United Wesleyan Graduate Institute from 2006 to 2023, He has been a registered officer and company chaplain of The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong since 2005. Kevin is the co-founder of Godly Play Hong Kong and Senior Regional Trainer, using Godly Play at worship services for children and youth, short-term mission trips, arts therapy sessions, Boys' Brigade company meetings as well as retreats for churches, schools and NGOs. But nothing brings him greater joy and challenge than getting down on the floor, entering stories and wondering about them with a circle of children every week.


Helen Chan Yuk Wah

Helen worships and ministers at Grace Hong Kong Evangelical Church and is married to Kevin. She is an accredited Godly Play teacher and senior trainer from Godly Play U.K. and the Centre for the Theology of Childhood. She has worked with children of different ages, needs and backgrounds for over 20 years, has been a registered social worker for over 10 years and a registered officer and company captain of The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong since 2005. Helen is a co-founder of Godly Play Hong Kong and Senior Regional Trainer, using Godly Play at children's worship, short-term mission trips, Boys' Brigade company meetings as well as retreats for churches, schools and NGOs. She feels most grateful and joyful for the opportunity to walk with children every week.


Contact Us (Godly Play Hong Kong)

Phone: 62225049 (Helen);

E-mail: helenchan@godlyplayhongkong.org (Helen) ; kevinma@godlyplayhongkong.org (Kevin)